Before becoming involved in XR, Smart and her partner, who describe themselves as “valiant adventurers whose dream is to circumnavigate the planet”, drove across Europe, the Western Sahara and central and south-east Asia.
But most concerning has been a full-fledged BBC climate campaign masquerading as journalism.
The Duke of Sussex has been labelled a "hypocrite" for choosing to take the two-hour flight back to his mansion in Montecito via the £45million Gulfstream jet...
With the dust having barely settled after the UN climate body issued its “code red” climate change report on Monday, the Biden White House urged OPEC and its allies to boost oil output to tackle rising oil prices...
Well, today the islands have not gone underwater and remains popular with tourists like never before. And to help with the job of ferrying the 1.7 million (2019) tourists to and from the resort islands, the Maldives have...
More evidence strict Covid-19 lockdown rules do not apply to Democrats.
Guest “I couldn’t make this schist up if I was trying” by David Middleton This Robert Bryce article in today’s Real Clear Energy feed is actually from last November… But it’s fracking hilarious!...
Greens: We must build wind farms to save the planet! Also Greens: We must not build wind farms to save endangered birds! Unprincipled to the highest degree, the Greens will relentlessly push for damaging environmental action...
Reposted from Posted on 21 Nov 18 by Paul Matthews 10 Comments Erik Solheim, Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), has resigned. See reports from the Guardian and the BBC. Despite standing...
But, but, but… it’s the sceptics that are bankrolled by the rich, right? That’s the only way they could possibly outwit the billions spent by governments on propping up the consensus...
Is there no end to this man’s talents? One minute an ‘expert’ on the conspiracy theories of ‘deniers’, the next, a climate scientist published in Nature! Psycho-logist Stephan Lewandowsky has...
Censorship now rules at the British publicly funded broadcaster, the BBC. On a current affairs programme in February of this year, Lord (Nigel) Lawson of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) was brought in to debate...
An assistant professor of philosophy at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Lawrence Torcello, claims that climate ‘misinformation’ should be treated as criminal negligence...
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I was saddened to get the news that Sir Ranulf Fiennes, OBE, has gotten frostbitten. As a result, he has been forced to give up his dream of a winter crossing of Antarctica, an expedition …...
The slow and painful disintegration of the Labor/Green alliance is a joy to watch - Labor's chickens are all coming home to roost. But at the same time it reveals the astonishing hypocrisy at the very heart of the ALP. Back...
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