“A less charitable explanation is that there is a systematic effort underway to contest and undermine actual climate science, including the assessments of the IPCC, in order to present a picture of reality that is simply...
Roger Pielke is particularly unimpressed with what he calls “weather attribution alchemy”. In his view, attribution science is a form of “tactical science”. Such science serves legal and political ends, and the work...
A legitimate scientific issue has become captive of a Malthusian religion by power-hungry elected officials and unelected bureaucrats. Climate policy is an anti-capitalist, anti-human movement. These people push for one-world...
Instead of leaping to conclusions, Bloomberg and other media outlets should focus on reporting about realistic strategies like improved infrastructure, better flood management, and adaptation to natural weather variability—solutions...
Understanding more about gas and coal, their importance for our energy needs and daily products used, but also their environmental impact, helps us make smarter energy policy decisions...
Dr. Curry discusses the importance of acknowledging uncertainty in climate science, critiques the behavior of activist scientists, and emphasizes the need for a balanced approach to energy solutions that includes fossil fuels...
Sadly, the mainstream media pounced on this highly embellished press release because it contained exciting claims that fit the climate catastrophe narrative that they seem wedded to, facts be damned...
Meanwhile, greenhouse gas emissions, principally CO2 and methane, have been inexorably increasing, even as thousands of megawatts of renewable energy have been brought on line...
For the first time, the IPCC’s doctrine of CO2 as a ‘control knob’ in our climate faces a serious challenger in the form of a comprehensive hypothesis about what drives climate and its shifts.[1][2] This article is...
It was inevitable, perhaps, that after science became ubiquitous and powerful, and very rich, that it would devolve into politics. Which is what the postmodernists (in part) argued all along.
By Jo Nova The deadliest climate question: How many degrees cooler will that be? Ask it now, ask it later, before breakfast and while watching “the news”...
Ultimately the scare about man-made warming is not based on science but on lobbying by the IPCC and UNFCCC, and flawed lobbying at that.
By Andy May and Marcel Crok We were charged by Marty Rowland and the American Journal of Economics and Sociology (AJES) with writing a literature review paper supporting the skeptical…
In March of this year, after 17 years, Director Durkin released “Climate the Movie: the Cold Truth”, the Sequel to the 2007 “The Great Global Warming Swindle.” Collaborating with American producer Tom Nelson, they...
While there is a knee-jerk tendency to link flood events directly to global warming, a serious approach that considers multiple factors—natural, human, and technological—is necessary for a comprehensive understanding...
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