WUWT Exclusive..
...are dedicated to building lasting relationships with Indigenous communities by creating a trusted, reliable, and Indigenous-centric geospatial community with a focus on environmental justice and climate...
Thanks to the New York Times, in an article in the EAT section, we have the news that “those who consumed the most ultraprocessed foods were 11 percent more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and 16 percent more likely...
At best, this is a graph of fantasy
The post Climate Fact Check: December 2023 first appeared on Watts Up With That?.
n such an environment, it is a fair question whether the focus on international agreements and multilateral cooperation more generally is time well spent.
Climate science was an obscure and unimportant corner of academia until the professors lucked out with global warming.
Below is today’s Washington Post article (Web | PDF), where as it turns out, ‘climate misinformation’ is meant to mean Steve Milloy’s Twitter and Facebook accounts.
Climate change and wind and solar electricity are a snipe hunts, diverting the country from serious problems in favor of imaginary problems with imaginary solutions that enrich the promoters and their political friends with...
Many climate alarmist's failed predictions were centered around 2020. This video examines just ten, and argues that they were produced not by science, but by ideology.
Guest “Du kan ikke fikse dumt“ by David Middleton I couldn’t make this sort of schist up if I was trying… Very little money is actually spent on climate researchResearchers have looked at where USD...
By Chris Martz | September 16, 2019 There are plenty of climate scientists in the world that I highly respect, many of whom I don’t share the same views with on climate change...
Guest slam-dunk by David Middleton How Science Got Trampled in the Rush to Drill in the Arctic By ADAM FEDERMAN with photographs by NATHANIEL WILDER and video by PETER ELSTNER | 07/26/2019...
Alarmists game the system to enrich and empower themselves, and hurt everyone else Paul Driessen The multi-colored placard in front of a $2-million home in North Center Chicago proudly proclaimed, “In this house we believe:...
Guest ridiculing of a professor by David Middleton The Anthropocene Is Coming to Mars Humans are about to extend their influence to a second world. By Dirk Schulze-Makuch airspacemag.com January 17, 2019 3:30P Astrobiologist...
Guest ridiculing by David Middleton From some SJW rag, via Real Clear Politics… ANTHROPOCENE We Still Don’t Understand the Superstorms of the Anthropocene By Caroline Haskins Oct 12 2018 As of this morning, five people...
Guest ridicule by David Middleton Note: The featured image is of thankfully former President Obama babbling about climate change at Yosemite National Park in 2016. While not part of the article being addressed in this post…...
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