According to a study whose authors include Ken Caldeira, China's efforts to eliminate its infamous air pollution could cause an additional 0.1C NH warming, because less sunlight will be reflected by aerosols. However, despite...
Guest “attaboy” by David Middleton Time Magazine “Hero of the Environment” and Green Book Award Winner Michael Shellenberger slaps down the apocalyptic climate change propagandists… Nov 25, 2019Why Apocalyptic...
From New Scientist Sumatra: the Sunda trench lies close by far beneath the ocean Planet Observer/Getty By Michael Marshall Here is a radical solution to dangerous climate change: create lakes of liquid carbon dioxide on the...
From the Carnegie Institution and the mind of Ken Caldeira, comes this “back to the future” style impossible to verify prediction (at least impossible now)...
From the Carnegie Institution , where soda pop science is like a carbonic acid trip, they say (thanks to modeling) we have to make big changes: “To save coral reefs, we need to transform our energy system…”...
From the Carnegie Institution comes a nutty consensus type idea, modeled in game-theory, implemented by an equally nutty future coalition. Geoengineering by coalition Washington, D.C.—Solar geoengineering is a proposed...
In An Inconvenient Truth (pp. 280-281), Al Gore enthused about a Science magazine study by Princeton economists Robert Socolow and Stephen Pacala. The study concluded that, “Humanity already possesses the fundamental...
From the Carnegie Institution , not just aerosol injections, but effective aersol injections. Law of unintended consequences be damned. Improving effectiveness of solar geoengineering Washington, D.C.— Solar radiation management...
From the Carnegie Institution , some lofty ideas. Would you imagine a steady energy supply coming from high altitude kites? Enough wind to power global energy demand Washington, D.C.— There is enough energy available in...
From the Carnegie Institution and Stanford University comes word of this paper in JGR. Washington, D.C. — Coral reefs are extremely diverse ecosystems that support enormous biodiversity. But they are at risk. Carbon dioxide...
(via Tom Nelson) Ken Caldeira resigns as IPCC lead author, saying: “…it is not clear how much additional benefit there is to having a huge bureaucratic scientific review effort under UN auspices…”...
From the Carnegie Institution – maybe we should build more cooling towers. Washington, DC. — Scientists have long debated about the impact on global climate of water evaporated from vegetation. New research from Carnegie’s...
This is important because scientists are concerned that unchecked global warming could cause already dry areas to get drier. (Global warming may also cause wet areas to get wetter.) Cao and Caldeira’s findings indicate...
Last week Willis told you about how Joe Romm at Climate Progress botched a blog post so bad, he had not only to fix his own post by removing false claims about population trends, so did the paper authors...
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