"... Individual years pushing past the 1.5-degree limit ... means we need to fight even harder to get on track. ..."
What happens when ideology hijacks science? You get articles like Scientific American’s recent gem, “How Feminism Can Guide Climate Change Action.” Spoiler: it’s yet another attempt to inject a political narrative...
Japan Airlines has teamed up with Sumitomo Corporation to launch a trial of a clothing sharing service, which is called “Any Wear, Anywhere.” The idea is that foreign tourists and business travelers landing in Japan on...
I thought science was supposed to be falsifiable?
Instead of chastising these newspapers for not toeing the climate line, perhaps the authors should spend more time addressing the actual priorities of the communities they claim to care about...
If climate scientists want to be taken seriously, they need to stop whining about how hard their job is and start focusing on doing it well. Until then, they’re not saviors of the planet—they’re just glorified activists...
A new study that is hilarious in it's lameness. It's like these people have never heard of weather before, and they only exist in climate headspace.
Last week Rising tide provided an impressive showcase for plastic fossil fuel products during their climate protest.
Its not just the data that disagree with Grist’s hypothesis, anyone with a thinking mind knows that history does as well. To imply that today we are seeing more autocrats than previous centuries is laughable. According...
These self-appointed climate saviors insist that their projections should be accepted without question, and when they aren’t, they moan about how harsh and unfair the world has been to them...
We’re now in an age where a centuries-old system, grounded in practicality and proven effectiveness, is being labeled as problematic because it doesn’t fit into today’s ever-shifting, ever-demanding social justice landscape...
From the "anything and everything is caused by climate change" department comes this groaner of a press release from UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
If this deadly global warming continues, Canadians might have to invest in T-shirts and shorts.
“Offer low-emission menu choices, including plant-based and locally sourced options. If meat is offered, prioritize lower-emission meats such as chicken,” the guidance states.
The AFP nonsense story is just the latest in a tidal wave of mainstream fear-mongering designed to boost Net Zero.
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