By Dr. Duane Thresher. From Real Climatologists. September 18, 2017 Abstract: The wasted and misspent money at NASA GISS and all climate research institutions is staggering. So, as they said in Watergate, follow the money....
About eight weeks ago, Jean S postulated that Gavin Schmidt had been involved in writing the documents supporting EPA’s decision denying various petitions for reconsideration of the Endangerment Finding (the “RTP...
Several readers have asked me to respond to recent comments about me at Real Climate: briefly, Osborn has made one misrepresentation after another and made statements with seemingly complete indifference as to whether he...
Schmidt’s recent post on Yamal advocated the following “conspiracy theory”: McIntyre got the erroneous idea that studies were being done, but were being suppressed if they showed something ‘inconvenient’...
In yesterday’s post (as noted), I only responded to one aspect of Schmidt’s Yamal article, as it contains numerous extraneous spitballs, each of which takes time to respond to...
By Steve McIntyre Two days ago, NASA blogger Gavin Schmidt posted an extended rant against me at Real Climate, a rant directed in part at my recent poston Yamal...
Two days ago, NASA blogger Gavin Schmidt posted an extended rant against me at Real Climate, a rant directed in part at my recent post on Yamal. I’ve now looked through his post carefully and, beneath Schmidt’s...
I’m writing a response to Gavin Schmidt’s rant about Yamal, which I should finish by tomorrow. Schmidt’s rant does not refute anything in my Yamal post. Indeed, Schmidt barely touches on the actual content...
A few days ago, in a comment at CA, NASA blogger Gavin Schmidt stated that, over land, the ratio of lower troposphere trends to surface trends in the GISS ER model was 0.95 (+- 0.07) and thus there was no downscaling over...
NASA blogger Gavin Schmidt has once again fabricated claims against Climate Audit’s posts on bucket adjustments. CA readers are aware that I discussed bucket adjustments on a number of occasions long before Thompson...
McKitrick and Nierenberg 2010, rebutting Schmidt 2009 is in press at the Journal of Economic and Social Measurement. Schmidt (Int J of Climatology) 2009, which commented on McKitrick and Michaels 2007, was peer reviewed by...
On January 27, 2009, a few days after Steig et al 2009 was released to fawning international coverage, Gavin Schmidt at RC here claimed that the critical commentary on the paper had been “remarkably weak” and demanding...
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