temperature reconstructions, Tag
All of these media outlets predict doom and gloom in our immediate future due to climate change, but in doing so, they completely ignore the bigger picture presented by the study.
Dr. Schmidt and the RealClimate team apparently do not want you to read our papers. They seem to be afraid that if you did, their claims on climate change would no longer seem so convincing.
These findings are not consistent with claims made by the Bureau that there is no public interest in releasing the parallel data because the temperatures are the same whether measured by platinum resistance probes in automatic...
...the new NOAA data do not support a claim that warming in the troposphere has undergone a statistically-significant change in trend.
There appears to be no valid reason to lower Darwin maximums by 0.67C for all years prior to 1980 all the way back to the start of the record in 1910. The reason given is “statistical” and is based on the 4 reference...
The expedition took place at a time that is likely to be among the coldest in the last 2,000 years.
In short, we have a 2021 Annual Climate Statement that does not include the new 2021 value in its calculations.
SWAG Thu, 24 Feb 22, 5:00am Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach As many of my posts start out, “I got to thinking about …”. In this case, I got to thinking about the Berkeley Earth global…
Properly performed corrections of the daily temperatures at De Bilt are important for, among other things, assessing climate change in the Netherlands...
Guest “They Googled ‘global temperature change since the last ice age’ and found a hockey stick” by David Middleton Global Temperatures Over Last 24,000 Years Show Today’s Warming ‘Unprecedented’A...
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I’ve been pointing out for some time that the current warming of the globe started about the year 1700, as shown in the following graph…
Guest post by Renee Hannon IntroductionThis post examines regional temperature reconstructions during the past several thousand years relative to different baselines and the responses of end member deviants, the Arctic and...
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