The ‘theme’ chosen for Cop29 must be some kind of dark joke. This summit, like those before it, is a mere act of greenwashing
Never mind the mighty fireball’s great flares and fluctuating cosmic rays
Undeterred after being charged over separate demonstration, Thunberg joined fossil fuel activists outside JP Morgan in Canary Wharf
Climate activist taken away by Met police after protesters denounce meeting of fossil fuel executives and ministers
The kids grew up: Australia is reaping a bitter harvest, for enabling and encouraging a foreign criminal climate radical to groom our kids.
"... Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover what climate deniers are actually scared of. ..."
"... In cases where an arrest resulted in a conviction, you may be permanently ineligible to receive a visa ..." - US Visa Page (UK Embassy).
University of Winchester is moving a "controversial" £24,000 statue of Greta Thunberg from outside the University building to "the less-visited courtyard of the building".
Earth draws parallels between human impact on climate and volcanic eruptions that ripped through planet’s crust 250 million years ago
We are all dead now.
The post Today We Died first appeared on Watts Up With That?.
Climate activist says only ‘rapid and equitable’ phaseout will keep temperatures within 1.5C limit
The fact that the politics of climate science so closely mirrors religious apocalypticism ought to prompt some reflection.
Little Greta covering her tracks, squirming and posturing like any other establishment politician?
Reindeer herders in the Nordic country say the sight and sound of the giant wind power machinery frighten their animals and disrupt age-old traditions.
German police have denied being "extras for Greta Thunberg" after false claims that her detainment at a protest in western Germany was staged.
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