intermittent wind and solar, Tag
CFACT will continue to provide the Trump Administration with the facts it needs to avoid the energy mistakes so many others have made.
The purpose of this article is to summarize and debunk many of the issues in the narrative surrounding the proposed green energy transition as applies to the electric grid. The issues are so numerous that this piece is...
Europe has suffered repeated wind power outages since October 2024. Is climate change to blame?
FERC must act quickly to restore reliability. FERC’s first step is to ban the connection of new intermittent generation to America’s grid.
In summary the so-called California Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement is nothing of the kind. The full Offshore Wind Program needs to be assessed for the entire West Coast before any project is approved for construction....
"...In 2024, coal power construction activity surged to 94.5 GW, its highest level since 2015, reinforcing coal’s entrenched role in the power system. ..."
How long until British AI entrepreneurs get fed up with waiting?
Doubters of the greenhouse effect are sometimes rightly accused of denying the climate problem. But what are Rahmstorf, Lesch and Co. doing when they reject everything except green energies, which alone are probably only...
“The data make it clear that the only possible rationale for renewable energy—making significant reductions of CO2 emissions—cannot be achieved. The costs of attempting to do this are already imposing heavy costs on...
Green energy advocates who minimize the challenge of transitioning the electric grid to wind and solar rely on the claim that the “wind is always blowing somewhere”. The 2024 wind energy data suggest otherwise. ...
But more to the point, are we honestly going to find anyone prepared to build another 23 GW in the next five years?
Germany, the United Kingdom and France account for close to half of all European Weather-Dependent “Renewables”.
The illustrations here show the hourly power production by all generation technologies. The data is as...
Solar farms, coming soon to a field near you, are an ecological disaster turning productive land into a nature dead zone. Birds frequently fly into the panels mistaking them for water, while electrocution and incineration...
Citizens of the U.K. have missed serious power blackouts by a whisker. But recent events highlight the dangers of prioritizing ideology over practicality and serve as a warning to those who would allow climate dogma to guide...
The Norwegian ruling coalition government just collapsed due to public anger at energy exports to Britain driving up domestic Norwegian prices.
- Popular Related Tags: intermittent wind and solar, climate economics, offshore wind, opinion, climate politics, government idiocy, wind power, the grid, energy fail, net zero
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