NOAA’s blatant violation of the Information Quality Act by ignoring the evidence that wind development is killing whales needs to be investigated and corrected.
Even then wind power costs are understated, because we should add on the cost of grid upgrades, projected at over £100 billion, or at least the appropriate share for the extra 26 GW...
So here we are, suspended up in the air, and nobody seems to realize that we will shortly crash to earth. Everybody involved is trying to milk the last dollars out of the taxpayers before the crash hits.
A New Years’s retrospective. Many of these 41 CFACT articles were sent to key NOAA whale protection people when published over a period of 2.5 years. All have been carefully ignored, an ongoing deception. Trump has promised...
If wind power was so cheap, you would think they would be queuing up to build them:
Note that this is the first one for floating wind turbines which is very different from the fixed turbines being built along the Atlantic coast. Floating wind is still an immature technology with a large number of proposed...
“The incoming administration has an historic opportunity to save American workers from foreign developers, reinvigorate iconic coastal towns, and improve America’s food security,” NEFSA CEO Jerry Leeman said in a press...
“They say the wind drives them mad. It’s a vibration issue because those structures are as tall as 50-story buildings… The wind is howling, objects are moving, creating vibrations and noise. You know what I want to...
Environmentalists insist they love “little guys.” At least in the abstract, until those folks get in the way, raise inconvenient questions, or try to block “renewable energy” projects intended to “save the planet”...
In a surprising yet overdue move, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has released its Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for the New York Bight...
The analysis is fairly simple which makes it easy to see the fallacies. There are just four basic benefit claims. And of course it is all based on highly questionable modeling.
The addition of the newer, cheaper offshore wind farms has not had a significant impact on the subsidy per MWh. The reduction in average strike price has been overwhelmed by a combination of the indexation upwards in April...
Extrapolating today’s small-scale facility cost would make the price tag for this project around $100 billion. That could rise significantly once large scale, hurricane-proof technology is developed and adopted, if it ever...
The changes in currents and mixing are likely to affect plankton production and food web structure and may influence the functioning of protected areas...
The wind industry says it isn't killing whales, but it is. New boat traffic is colliding with whales. And high-decibel sonar is separating whale mothers from their calves, sending them into harm's way. Our new documentary,...
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