This article describes how the hucksters incorrectly make the extreme weather devastation caused when a rare weather pattern caused the storm to stall into an example of worsening climate change when a hurricane in hurricane...
“ I think I may not have children although I do want them,” she notes. “Just because, with all of the things we see going on in the world, it seems unfair to bring someone into all of this against their will.”
Oh, the elites are at it again, folks. They’ve figured out that the real reason you’re lying awake at night, sweating over whether the world will combust in a fiery…
And yet the news media wonder why their claims have such low credibility marks from the public with AXIOS reporting a record low 39% of the public indicating “they don’t trust the media at all.”
California's government meddling in electricity markets has for decades been systematically driving up the state’s electricity prices hugely beyond increases being experienced elsewhere across the U.S.
A ridiculous L A Times editorial hypes imposing massive "Climate Recovery Act" cost penalties on fossil fuel suppliers that account for 70% of the energy that the state consumes to achieve its annual GDP.
This L A Times hyped claim of global “horrifying streak of record-breaking heat” is falsified by NOAA’s 129+ yearlong measured climate data outcomes as measured over 9 of 16 NOAA’s global climate regions, the Contiguous...
The reality of climate alarmism is that the “hype (not heat) just keeps coming” resulting in huge and unnecessary increases to California and U.S. electricity costs creating economic hardships for all citizens, businesses,...
The Times claims of “supercharged” and “wild” rainfall between December 2023 through February 2024 in California are pathetic and a clear demonstration of the climate science incompetence represented by climate alarmist...
The L A Times article is full of hand waving climate alarmist politically contrived propaganda claims and assertions that are unsupported by well establish and extensively available energy and climate science measured data.
The. L A Times climate alarmists flawed claims that global anomaly increased temperature levels are “hot” or “hottest” are grossly misleading and based on considering only temperature anomaly increases while concealing...
... the Times can’t seem to get it right in understanding the critical differences between “average temperature anomaly” and “maximum absolute temperature" data.
These flawed summer of 2023 claims have been shown to be false based on NOAA maximum temperature data measurement that climate alarmists failed to address and evaluate as was the case with the many claims of “extreme heat"...
The failure of climate alarmists to use NOAA summer maximum temperature measurements and instead rely on temperature anomaly related analysis using summer average temperatures in making flawed “hottest summer ever” claims...
...each operating for 25 years to save an amount of coal equivalent to the yearly increase of China’s coal use just between 2021 and 2022.
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