The greenhouse effect should already be cooking the world - but something keeps it tame.
As absurd as it might seem, only now is their opportunity for these broken corals to be part of the AIMS’ surveys used by Lomborg and Ridd to claim record cover coral at the Great Barrier Reef.
.. recent reports indicate that the Great Barrier Reef has hit record coral cover for the third year in a row, challenging these prevailing narratives.
We are told that Polar Bears are on hugely threatened by climate change. But does the data support this proposition?
The BBC is corrupt, and this report is fraudulent:
Following a rousing introduction by Dr. Peter Ridd, Dr Will (Don't call me a climate scientist) Happer presented a dazzling speech, in which he explained in simple terms why CO2 claims don't make sense.
The Australian Academy of Science is now a joke.
The post The Woke Transformation of the Australian Academy of Science first appeared on Watts Up With That?.
By its wilful abandonment of quantitative analysis, the AAS has destroyed its reputation as a source of useful scientific advice... The Australian Academy of Science is now a joke.
To be clear, the Great Barrier Reef doesn’t need saving. The mainstream media uncritically report propaganda from aerial surveys/from flybys by faux scientists who have also bought into the popular narrative.
Professor Ridd reviews the latest data on the state of the world’s coral reefs, which is extremely encouraging, especially for the Great Barrier Reef, the largest single reef system, with record high coral cover in 2022.
Why are they constantly peddling such doom?
The post New Study Confirms Coral Reefs Are Adapting to Warmer Waters first appeared on Watts Up With That?.
Perhaps a reputation for trampling academic freedom has consequences.
In a submission to the Australian Government, the AAS has demanded "disinformation" about climate change, the great barrier reef, and Covid vaccines be censored from broadcast news and the internet.
We must then remember that this is almost certainly natural, and not allow the merchants of doom to depress the children.
As word of the recovery of the Great Barrier Reef spreads, the inevitable rationalization from alarmists appears.
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