unintended consequences, Tag
From NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT By Paul Homewood h/t Paul Kolk Blimey!! Ben Marlow has finally seen the light! Sadiq Khan’s controversial Ultra-Low Emissions Zone scheme for…
Written by Jo Nova Would you like PFAS with that? Wouldn’t you know — to make paper straws resistant to water, it seems we have to add Teflon type chemicals that stick around for thousands of years.
From CLIMATESTATE This is not the story you might first think it is. This is coming from a CAGW promoting site.~ctm We created two YouTube channels for science. This was back in 2011, a time when the video platform was...
What could possibly go wrong~ctm From Eurekalert Public Release: 22-Nov-2018 IOP Publishing A program to reduce Earth’s heat capture by injecting aerosols into the atmosphere from high-altitude aircraft is possible,...
Reposted from Paul Homewood’s Blog By Paul Homewood This is a long, but very readable piece from the New York Times Magazine: I have only included the opening section, plus a few relevant paragraphs, but I would recommend...
Wind turbines either kill or scare away three quarters of buzzards, hawks and kites at three sites in India. That makes them the new “top predator” in the ecosystem according to new research. Perhaps not the...
Managing the global climate is a tough thing. Sacrifices are required. The last 100 years has been a success story of cleaner air in London. But air pollution is on the rise again. The fear of carbon is partly responsible...
Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy would inflict major land, wildlife, resource damage Paul Driessen Demands that the world replace fossil fuels with wind, solar and biofuel energy – to prevent supposed catastrophes...
Geniuses at Rice made a breakthrough and discovered that Christianity reduces the “negative” effect of being a conservative. Conservatives, see, are less likely to buy things that are “pro-environment”....
Oops. Brought to you by the same kind of people who regulate free markets to the point where you can get detained for selling light bulbs heat balls, comes the cry for a “free market solution” on carbon emissions....
The genesis for tonight's Campfire topic was an argument with a close friend a few weeks back, questioning the purpose/effectiveness of time spent blogging/speaking/educating about the various systemic errors embedded in...
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