President Trump released a moratorium on offshore wind upon taking office on January 20, that “temporarily prevents consideration of any area in the OCS for any new or renewed wind energy leasing for the purposes of generation...
An order by a federal judge on Monday delayed the start of “pile driving” construction for a massive wind project off the Atlantic Coast by Dominion Energy.
At a time when incidents of dead whales washing ashore on the Atlantic coast are spiking, the lawsuit would force Dominion to cease construction of massive wind turbines for its Virginia Offshore Wind (VOW) project in the...
David Wojick In formal comments, CFACT has asked EPA to assess the adverse impact of the giant Virginia offshore wind project on air and water quality...
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the National Marine Fisheries Service have violated federal law by finding that the Virginia Offshore Wind project will not result in the destruction of the North Atlantic right whale...
By Jo Nova Let it be known that the skeptics are, and always have been, the environment’s best friend. The Green’s, sadly are the wilderness wrecking, naive minions of the Establishment Powers who will sacrifice...
Despite Joe Biden's rhetoric on the need to end fossil fuel extraction, and electrify transport, he seems to personally burn an awful lot of fossil fuel in his private jet trips...
Climate alarm messages are conveyed repeatedly in classrooms, newspapers, television and radio news programs, social media, movies and other media – while contrarian voices and evidence are routinely and vigorously suppressed...
This basically means that the members are invited to submit comments. Given that many engineers are skeptical of the climate scare, it will be interesting to see if all of these comments are made public.
Live Video Zoom Webinar by The Heartland Institute and CFACTTODAY at 8 p.m. ET ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL (April 30, 2020) – Join Heartland Institute President James Taylor and Marc Morano, executive editor of CFACT’s...
By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley The Communist far Left in the West are now actively censoring reports critical of the Chinese Communist Party’s criminal late reporting and false information about its virus, just as...
The UN, environmentalist pressure groups and their financial backers have a lot to answer for Paul Driessen The ChiCom coronavirus and COVID-19 outbreaks, deaths and responses continue to dominate US, European and Asian news...
Living high-flying lives of hypocrisy, while telling the rest of us how we should live Guest post by Duggan Flanakin, The Green Oscars are coming! The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences awards show – the Academy...
Reporting right from Madrid, where climate hypocrisy was alive and well at COP-25 Craig Rucker They came for your car, your light bulb, your dishwasher and washing machine, your toilet, your electricity, your airline flight...
The latest “renewable, sustainable” energy claims show the IEA belongs in an insane asylum Paul Driessen Can anti-fossil fuel policies based on climate crisis alarmism possibly get any more insane than this? In what might...
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