its worse than we thought, Tag
The article parades out a cast of characters who are struggling to cope with the horrors of not being able to suckle at the federal teat. Let’s meet a few:
Weather resilience is worthy of planning for and funding and critical for national security, but what The Nation is asking for is not that. They are asking for societal restructuring based on the false premise that current...
The news media is abuzz about this latest warming scare story, but as usual, digging into the facts reveals that there is little “news” in the stories and even less to actually be worried about...
In a recent open letter, researchers warned that a warmer Arctic could lead to cold waves across Northern Europe – due to “complex feedback mechanisms”.
It seems that the more the climate extremist media pushes contrived government climate alarmist propaganda schemes (unsupported by valid science data versus phony models) the more suspect the public becomes of their flawed...
So we only have data since 2004, and the year to year variations are large. To pretend that such a short series is in any way significant is not only unscientific but fraudulent.
Seems "Category 6" is the narrative for Hurricane Milton.
Meanwhile back in the real world, the Met Office say temperatures will be “near or slightly above average”:
What will the media say in a couple of years when temperatures go back down as the extra water vapor dissipates and the ozone returns to normal? Perhaps they’ll embrace Emily Littela with a collective “never mind!”
Alarmists also grossly misrepresent that the earth has exceeded a 1.5 degrees threshold temperature limit that is nothing but an arbitrary and purely politically contrived alarmist propaganda claim.
I though the British press was bad enough!
...we might as well blame climate change for our dog’s bad breath and the fact that the toast always lands butter-side down.
I sense very little data and science underpins their anti-natalism, but a great deal of ideology and manipulation. So how can we explain these scientists’ views, if we don’t believe that they emerge from science?
...alarmist messaging is counterproductive and harms the mental health of people who take it to heart.
As always, average global temperature is not a physical concept. It is merely a notion invented to push the global warming agenda. We mention it merely because it is what the excitement is all about. More on this at the end...
- Popular Related Tags: its worse than we thought, alarmism, bad science journalism, climate propaganda, climate change, climate models, hair on fire, ipcc, chicken little, greta thunberg
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